The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)

1 20 The Spokesman-Review, Tuesday, August 26, 1969. Saigon Change Called Ill Omen MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet Union said Monday that the Saj. gon government reshuffle and the U.S. delay on deciding about more troop withdrawals "are an ill omen for the cause of peace in Vietnam." Leonid Velichansky, commentator of the official news agency Tass, expressed this reaction to the White House announcement of a delay in further troop withdrawals and the replacement of Premier Tran Van Huong by Gen. Tran Thien Khiem, The hornet is the largest in- Ambassador Named SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.

(AP) -President Nixon named William C. Truehart of Sarasota, Monday to be the new U.S. ambassador to war-plagued Nigeria. Truehart, 50, a career foreign officer, is now deputy director for coordination in the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Burglar Falls in Tub VIENNA (AP) An apartment owner had an easy time subduing a would-be burglar, who entered through the bathroom window and fell on his Harassment Hinted End of Biafra Mercy Flights OWERRI, Biafra (NYT) Highly placed Biafran and proBiafran informants said Monday the Nigerian Federal Air Force had stopped harassment of flights into the besieged Biafran enclave about relief, 10 days They said foreign relief agencies had been able to airlift in somewhat more protein-rich foodstuffs because the stoppage, but not enough to prevent deaths from hunger from doubling in the last few Writing Awards Given to Three Picketing Set for Olympia Food shortages here inside the Biafran lines have grown acute since the Swiss-rur international committee of the Red Cross suspended its relief aircame" June 10.

The suspension after the Nigerian air force shot down a Red Cross cargo plane flying by daylight to the Biafran airstrip at Uli. Since then other foreign relief groups, notably Joint Church Aid, have continued to send night flights to Uli from Gabon and sect in the wasp family. head into the empty tub. weeks. the island of Sao Tome, But these gruund workers.

Farm Workers. American Women in Radio and in winter. TO INSERT WANT ADS WANT ADS ACCEPTED UNTIL CALL MA 4-3321 Classified Want Ads 8:45 P. M. WEEK DAYS 1:00 P.

M. SATURDAY deliveries, averaging 130 tons nightly, have not been enough to check the famine. Until recently the flights had been continually by a Nigerian aircraft known harassed, here as "The Intruder." The plane hovered over the darkened Uli airstrip, waiting until ground lights were snapped on to permit an incoming plane to land. Then it small bombs. Ill aimed, did not dropped, knock out the strip but they caused causalties among Continued PLEASE help little kids find their puppy.

White with brown spots on back and ears. She is wearing black and white collar and flea collar. She is part Chihuahua, part Terrier. Answers to "Twinkle" or Cannon Park area. FA 5-0221.

FA 6-2012 POST Falls, Idano, Trursday, Aug. 21. Tools, leather billfold. Keep money. Please return rest intract to, address Springdale.

on driver's license or call collect, 509 CL 8-4446. LOST: 2 large suit cases, one, green and one blue, Friday, Aug. 22, between Cle Elum and Spraque. They contain clothing. Contact or write Mrs.

Agnes Williams, Livingston. Box 298. CANADIAN lady's billfold, Saturday night, Steer's Drive- In. Contains keepsake rinq. Reward.

HU 3-2612, after 6. WILL the man who picked Up the one eyed German Shepard on Freeway please call WA 4-0495. Family dog. Reward. LOST: Man's brown wallet, at Interstate Fairgrounds--Contains cred.

it cards, valuable papers. Reward. E915 Queen. 25 25-ANNOUNCEMENTS SPOKANE'S most complete convalescent centers far surpassing medlcare specifications, fully accredited by the Joint Commission on tation of Hospitals MADISON NORTH, HU 9-3323 MADISON SOUTH--MA 4-1161. SHAPE UP SLIM DOWN "Borrow" belt vibrators, cycles A TO RENTAL N6415 Wall TRADE.

New 4 Bdrm. 36th dish. WA 6-0309, Spokane Pacific Rity, RI 7-8086. 'HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS W119 Seventh Ave MA 4-1442 27. Where Shall We Go? COOL BLUE INN, W425 1st Specializing in light lunches.

Berger on steel. DANCING- WESTERN MUSIC L(.) (.) FABULOUS LUNCHEON THICK JUICY STEAK $1.25 Camelot 5 Mile Shopping Center GEORGE James. Opening Aug. 25, The Matador, Davenport Hotel, Pianoing entertaining nightly. 28 28-PERSONALS ALBERTA Hunting.

now for 1969 moose and elk hunting, season, Write to Dan Rotor, outfitter and quide. Post office, Clairmoun Alberta, Canada or phone 403-567-3620. INTRUDER protection: Don't be a victim. Specializing in home protection. Average cost per home $3.50 per month.

Continental Alarm Service. FA 8-2173. PARTY who hit yellow Mercury in Valu-Mart, HU parking 3-8226. lot We Sunday have p.m. your description.

WANT-20 tar ladies tor advanced experimental reducina program. Valley Health Studio WA 6-6266 29-SHARE-A-RIDE 3 RIDERS, SCC Sept. 17. Classes daily. WA 6-1715 evenings.

Financial 50-99 50-FINANCIAL HELP Debt Consolidation 55 to $5,000 on furniture. cars, real estate equity. Whatever your needs call CARY MA 4-0500 formation aladly given 51--Debt Consolidation Licensed Debt Adjusters GUARDIAN CREDIT CO. N1603 Monroe Parking FA 8-9900 FREE COUNSELING AND BUDGET PLANNING HELP. Nonprofit organi.

zation Call RI 7-6055 for detalls 60-Money Wnt'd to Borrow DESIRE money for private party. Contract for security. Reply BOX 15 care of this newspaper. WANTED $40,000 on first mortgage, good collateral. ME 5-2801, Garfield.

65-State Regulated Lenders LOANS UP TO $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 Furn. -Auto Real Estate CASCADE INDUSTRIAL LOAN W1011 Sprague MA 4-0134 73-Contracts, Wnt'd Sell Your Contract For cash now first or 2nd Real Estate Contract or borrowAgainst, at low effective Interest rate. Metropolitan Mortgage Securities Co. W929 Spraque. TE 8-3111 WE BUY OR LOAN ON 1ST or 2ND CONTRACTS.

REfinance on 2nd loans at no Stan discounts. Mulvey (it's confidential.) Call at Hege Co. (established 1906) S102 Howard. MA 4-2302 eve. MA 4-7753.

CASH buyer for contract any size. Clyde H. Jones Realty WA 4-0222 CASH FOR CONTRACTS Chas Stolz FA 8-4121 CASH on contracts, any size or location. Howser Agency, FA 7-5548. 75-Money to Loan, RI.

Est. PAY ALL YOUR BILLS OR USE AS YOU WISH Private money Low Mo. Pmts On Homes, Farms or Contracts New or Old-Paid For or Not Call FA 8-7311 FA 6-1125. FA 5-3003 Vaughn Ritv. 514 Shadle Center LOTS of private money for small first mortgages in the Spokane area.

Very competitive rates! MANCHESTER SCHEEL 517 Hyde Building MA 4-8212 Real Estate 100-199 100-HOMES FOR SALE GONZAGA! baths, gas furnace, big living dining modern kitchen. Price includes new roof, new paint. Terms are EASY! See make your offer. call FA 5-2233 or MA 4- 1925. CLINE J.

DUNTON REALTY INC. 2138 N.W. BLVD. DAYS FA 8-6800 2-bedroom, 1-3-bedroom, houses Both $5,000. HU 9-1372.

NEW 3-bedroom. By Builder. $26,625. Low down. MA 4-5441.

split-entry. 5 bedrooms. S4115 Altamont. See Sunday afternoon. PLESE GOV'T REPOS.

REALTY FA HU 9-2323 SULLIVAN REALTY E509 30th RI 7-1051 FHA VA, repossessions. any information Gordon Berkhaug, RI 7-0934. THREE-BEDROOM, plumbing 6-1073. bill furnace, $7,500 terms. FA SOUTH Hill brick, RI $21,900, 7-1272.

assume pct, mortgage. WILSON PALMER REALTORS S310 Cedar RI 7-2113 FOR sale by owner. Shadle area. 2 bedrooms. basement.

FA 7-6104. ALBO REALTY W820 Garland FA 6-2041 H. A. Everest Multiple Co. FA 7-4476 Member Listing Service LIST WITH CARDINAL 1401 NW Blvd.

FA 8-9010 SOUTHWEST, brick, 8-4042. 2 baths. by owner. $11,300 TE BURT HENRY REALTORS S2922 Grand 7-6177 $8,250 landscaped lot, garage. BBLCo, MA 4-1507.

Bedroom house. Garage. $4,000. E5504 Cataldo. KE 4-8784 to.

see. SELL equity, attractive older 1 bed room. Owner. HU 3-3914, N7322 WESTERN Division HU 3-8521 NATIONAL REALTY FHA 8 Repossessions. Low dn Morse Co.

Call Turner RI 7-0242 GI FHA foreclosure all MA districts 4-813' John Morse Co MA 4-2616. NEW 12' wide, 2 bedroom. mobil home, $4,995, low down. 6-2900. A REALTORS FA 7-4421 2-BEDROOM, $11,750, FHA TERMS JEFFERSON, Terms, FA 7-8363 GENE KRAFT OLYMPIA (AP) Plans for picketing the downtown Olympia Safeway Store in connection with the grape workers strike were announced Monday at the State Labor Council Convention.

Dale Van Pelt, Washington state representative of the United Farm Workers, said delegates would from the convention site to the store by car caravan after the first day's session. Van Pelt said delegates would picket the store in support of the grape boycott and the nationwide boycott of Safeway Stores being conducted by the United 100-HOMES FOR SALE Continued JAMES S. BLACK CO. SOUTHWEST 3. frolc liv.

covered patio, finished bsmt, gas heat, qarage. $17,950. Marjorie Ruskin, RI 7-4247. NEW LISTING Pride of ownership excells in this extremely clean S.E. home.

Features beautifully, carpeted liv rm. Compact kit w-loads of mah. cupboards and blt-in range. 2 bdrms on mn fir plus bdrm rec rm. workshop and Indry in nicely fin.

bsmt. 2 baths. 75x120 landscaped yd w-sprinkling sys. A must see at only $15,500. Wanda Harvey, CH 4-2632.

OWNER LEAVING SEE THIS especially clean with new carpets and draperies. Fenced yard, patio, gas heat, etc. See today. Marjorie or Walt Ruskin RI 7- 4247. BUY OF THE WEEK Good S.S.

older home. bdrms, open stairs, frpic, din rm. remodeled kitchen, full bsmt, FHA terms, $10,500. Mariorie or Walt Ruskin, RI 7-4247. DOLL HOUSE! 1-bdrm, elec.

heat, range and refrig, on view lot. $4,650. Tom West, RI 7-6965 or Ken Applina, KE 5- 3840. JAMES S. BLACK CO.

TE 8-2512 Open 6-8 P.M. GEO. C. W1303 1st REALTORS TE 8-3591 3-BDRM. -2 BATHS DN.

W4131 SUTHERLIN PLACE NEW MODEL HOME BY HARLAN DOUGLASS. CARPETED 3-BDRM. WITH FAMILY ROOM. THREE OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM WITH PRICES FROM $27,500 TO $31,950. Hurry out! Our sales representative will have information on all homes in this and other areas, or stop by our office at W1432 Francis.

BRICK $10,500 Close in, spacious all brick home, with fireplace in large living room. Front drive garage. Estate Sale! FHA terms. Eves, call FA 6-0752. LAUGHARY JOHNSON FA 6-1311 YOU MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE, 5 bdrms all on baths, over 3,000 huge country family room, formal DR.

Lge LR plus rec room in bsmt, main floor laundry pantry. $39,900. S. Side. Joe Nichols, MA 4-9376.

1ST TIME ON MARKET. Comstock 4-bdrm, baths. beamed vaulted ceilings in huge formal LR, Iqe formal DR family room off kit, drapes, slate lovely entry, all w-w. carpets bit-ins. teak kit witl all Complete s-sys, beautifully landscaped.

Joe, 4-9376. older Very clean, partially modernized home. Wall to wall carpet in large living room. New nat. gas furnace.

Large eating space in modern kitchen. No new financing reat quired. $80 Owner will carry balance per mo. Incl. pct.

int. Call Mr. Blasing, TE 8-8576 dys. or RI 7-6858 eve. Blasing Assoc.

S207 Cedar N. SIDE $10,950 Fireplace in separate liv din. rm. well-located areas. in this very clean, home.

Full basement yard and with laundry. Fenced back ready to move into. You must see Inside to know the value here. It's vacant, and on easy terms. Call Morrie.

FA 8-3505, FA 6-1505. REALTY MART, Mall Northtown S914 THOR QUICK POSSESSION on this tractive bath 3-bdrm. home w-4 bdrms. rec. room in full bsmt.

Owner will paint exterior. Only 950. This is one you need to see inside to truly appreciate. DICK WHEALDON, MA 4-9051. SULLIVAN 7-1051.

1713 Upriver Drive Splendid location facing river next to WWP. Bottom rents for $90 mo. with gas heat. Upstairs $65 mo. with electric heat.

Lot suitable for big apartment building. 100x250. More land available. FHA terms. Call JIM, FA 8-2926.

F. S. BARRETT CO. Realtors W418 Sprague TE 8-2055 SO. HILL RANCHER Owner transferred, immediate possession.

one-floor. 2 baths, main-floor utilities, Full 4th bdrm. partially finished Rec. Rm. Covered patio.

Secluded yd. Double garage. Owner wants action. Bob Smith (TE 8-1554 Eves.) WIDMER REALTY CO. FA 8-4004.

PAY MORE -WHAT FOR? Low down, will get you in this plus barm home. Very nice 2 clean. Permanent siding, nice patio, trees, Shadle fnced. Close to schools Alexander, shopping. Call Frank FA 8-0511, FA 8-7311.

Vaughn Rity. JUST LISTED NEAT CLEAN, 2-bdrm. home in din. COMSTOCK w-fireplace. area, comb.

liv. rm. Breakfast nook, 3rd bdrm. in full bsmt. New oil furnace.

$12,300. Dick Whealdon, MA 4-0951. Sullivan Realty, RI 7-1051. CORBIN PARK Bia, older 4-bedroom home on bus routes. Kitchen has been pensivelv and remodeled in light macopper.

Large living room with fireplace. Only $12.900. FA 6-3215 or FA 7-8020. BLACKWELL REALTY FA 7-5544 WILSON-St. Augustine.

Elegant 1-story home, 3-bedroom, modern bath kitchen, main floor utilities. By owner. $16,500. 7 per cent. TE 8-4042.

OPEN house 2 to 5 p.m. by builder, Pacific Heights, 3-bedroom, 3 baths, daylight basement completed. lower interest. N6604 Greenwood. FA 5- 9110.

OUTSTANDING value, 4 bedroom ranch style. Two baths, swimming pool. Many extra features. Early possession. W3717 Beacon.

Evenings FA 8-1691. PACIFIC Heights by owner, approx. 1,700 feet, brick, main floor utilities family room. Assume pct. loan.

$31,500. N7124 Drumheller, FA 7-7919. CARPENTER'S special! Unfinished house, S1104 Regal. Take over payments, $60 month, 6 balance $3,800. MA 4-8760.

ROGER area, 2 bedrooms furnace. garage, pavina, sewer. $5,500 cash ar about 50' 2 bedroom mobile as part. RI 7-7649. OWNER-4-bedroom.

wall-to-wall carpet, drapes, rec room. painted. clean, Linwood School, pct. loan. FA 8-8046.

2-BEDROOM, wall-to-wall carpet, new roof, aluminum $8,500, Moving. W3924 Lonafellow. HU 7. 6748, FA 7-2352. 3 BEDROOM.

rec. room, dining room. Newly painted inside-out. Basement. $10,000.

N5111 Post. DUPLEX Owner. Convenient location, oil heat. Excellent condition. FA 7-8289.

One owner Beautiful 3 bedroom yard! brick, basement. Appraised. Corbin Park. KE 5-5161. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, double garage, cyclone fence, sprinkler.

Assume per cent mortgage. N6718 Fother-ingham. FA 8-7230. OWNER. Split level 4 bedoom, carpet.

2 baths, rec. room. Substantial down per cent. E3423 Twelfth. KE 4-9015.

SOUTH Side 3-bedroom Cape Cod. Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, baths, near schools, shopping. 950, TE 8-3776. E621 39th. NEAR Northtown, brick 3 bedroom plus 2, finished basement, rec room, built-ins, baths, covered patio.

sprinkling system, Owner, FA 8-3496. 3 BEDROOMS, vacant, southwest view, newer home. Dining, family room more. pct FHA TE 8- 3756. 3-BDRM.

N.W. Completely, renovated inside $7,950 FHA. Paint outside for down. Tri-State Rity, RI 7-3047 W109 MONTGOMERY, 2-bdrm. $3,750 Whipps Rity FA 7-6646 SHADLE district, 3-bedroom, finished I basement, nice yard.

FA 5-5995. PITTSBURGH, (AP) Three women journalists were honored Monday Phi, a national organization for professional women in journalism and communications. They were given the Headliner Awards, the society's highest honor at the group's 32nd annual meeting. The awards were given to Katharine Meyer Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, Newsweek and Art News; Erma Bombeck, whose daily column "At Wit's End," is distributed to over 200 newspapers through Newsday syndicate; and Marion Corwell, an educational affairs representative at Ford Motor Co. and national president of 100-HOMES FOR SALE Continued MYERS CO.

W1902 Francis FA 8-3164 OPEN 2 TO 4 W2614 GARLAND Sharp 2 2 bdrm, living room w- fireplace, dining room, kitchen with eating space. Close to schools shopping. $15.500. Gladys FA 5-9813. S3511 ARTHUR One-Bdrm.

Large Living Dinina Rooms. Easy to care for and priced for Quick Sale, at $5,250. S816 ARTHUR 4-Bdrm. Full Retired Contractor's Home, No Repairs Here. FHA priced at $10,500.

$200 Dn. to Vet. and Seller will pay loan Costs. VON HOLT REALTY KE 5-2113 1ST LISTING SO. SIDE -HURRY-HURRY- 3 dn.

gas hot water heat, 5 blocks to trading, 2 to school, to $14,500 FHA-VA. Call Dean. FA 5- 9944. EMPIRE REALTY TE 8-1461 ELEGANT N. SIDE BRICK Nr.

SCLS Shops. DO see this larger 3-BR. W-W carpet LR, DR Hall. Family SZ kit. Frpic.

Xtra pimbing in full bsmt. Gar. A STEAL at loaded with GOODIES! POESL, HU 3-3196 eves. SHERWOOD ROBERTS W516 1st DAYS: TE 8-4181 N. WEST- -REAL SHARP Spotless 3-bedrm.

rancher. Shag carpet, 2 fireplaces. kitchen, built-in range. Full basement, FA gas heat. Fenced yard.

Patio, etc. Call ONLY HU $18,500, easy FHA terms. 7-2721. Eves. HU 7-6402 or FA 8-4031.

W. C. SPEDDEN CO. N4923 DIVISION HU 7-2721 "ALL MOST" As easy as rent. To own this bedroom bungalow laundry on main floor.

hardwood livina room dinina room floors throughout. New hot water tank, roof 4 vrs. old. Dou. ble garage.

Needs some work. Priced to sell Now. Below FHA Only $7,000. Call LEW WIL- praisal. LIAMS, FA 7-2070.

CARTER-LEWIS REALTORS, FA 8-1090. BY OWNER: family baths. oven-range, dish. washer, garbage disposal, levels. beautiful vard.

paved street, in choice N.W. district. Extra building lot included value $3,000 all for oniv $27,750. P.S. You can assume 6 per cent loan.

See at N8321 Jefferson FA 8-7113. 2-BEDROOM sparkler amona nice homes, livina room, modern kitchen with eating space, wired for washer and dryer, insulated with storm windows throughout, automatic heat. oil bill was $80 last year, 4-piece bath, garage and nice vard, block to bus. N2509 Sycamore. MA 4-8392 evenings.

$10,000. By Owner Three BR completely renovated older home. Excellent North Side location, carpeting. $8,950. Call WA 6-5623 or WA 6-3882 for appointment.

SPIC and span, newly redecorated older home and pleasant Northwest neighborhood. 2 baths, new wallto-wall carpeting and panelina first floor. Must appreciate. $9,700. W709 Montaomery.

FA 5- 4050. FA 7-7182. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Nothing down to qualified buver. 4-bdrm. home on 1-floor.

Garage. Onlv $5,650 at $62.50 monthlv. Needs some repair. See at E7408 Third. Eve.

call HU 3-4746. Tomlinson Agency MA 17TH 2-bedroom. 2 baths, knotty pine rec. room, fireplace, oil heat, close to shopping and schools. FHA or conventional.

RI 7-7598 or AL 5-6275. OWNER WANTS OUT E3803 9th. Very nice fireplace, extra BR. in full basement, gas furance. lots of flowers." Assume 6 per cent.

$13,000 class. F. G. ORCHARD, MA 4-6177. AUDUBON Park bungalow 2-bdrm.

plus 3rd w-half-bath in full bsmt. Rec. Rm. Ceramic bath. Fireplace.

Covered patio fenced vd. rage. $13,500, terms. Call FA 7-1571, R. C.

Goodrich Co. 3-BEDRM home in Mead school partly furnished. Full with new gas furnace and water heater. Near new shopping center. Fenced vard, patio, eligible for 235 program.

HU 3-1075 after 3. NORTHWEST Ranch, 3-bdrm. plus more in full bsmt. Just $17,950 lots of house for the monev. Nice carpeting, pretty kitchen, lae, fenced vd.

Terms. FA 7-1571, R. C. Goodrich Co. FOUR blocks from St.

Xavier's or Longfellow School. FHA $19,750. Ranch style, double garage, corner lot, all improvements. 4-bedroom 2 baths. HU 3-1952.

HUTTON School, pet. mortgage, Cape Cod, 3 or 4. bedrooms, baths, paneled davlight basement plus bedroom, nice deck, fenced yard. $24,000. E1027 28th.

RI 7. 6969. BY OWNER, duplex: 3-Room apartment up, 4 rooms down, full basement with bedroom rec. room. large patio with fireplace, double garage, fenced yard.

$10.950. KE 4- 1682, after 12 noon. TOO OLD. Must sell my lovely remodeled and redecorated homes. N5210 Howard and W1104 Joseph.

Open house Sundavs 2 to 5. Weekdays Call HU 3-2526. BY OWNER: North Side 3-bedroom. fireplace, family room, fenced vard, baths. Buy equity, assume mortgage $12,500 per cent.

HU 3-4207. 3-BDRM. home in N.W. Dist. L.R.

with fireplace. sep. D.R., hdwd. floors. enclosed back porch.

Low price of $7,500. Call Don, FA 8-4948. Gainor FA 7-9587. W2929 GARLAND. If you are looking for a lovely small two-bedroom.

in a nice location, this is it. Needs no repairs, just move in. FHA. $10,750. MEENACH MA 4-4236-TE $9,250.

S.E. 3-bdrm. home on 1 floor, fireplace. Low down, $85 mo. Call VERA, RI 7-6484.

Evergreen Prop. TE 8-8651 BY OWNER, 3-bedroom on acre, full basement, double carport with tool shed attached, $10,500. KE 4- 2405. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths. fireplace.

carpeting, drapes, view. Cash to contract, assume pct FHA FA 7-4646. 3 CORNER LOT. Newly painted in out. Refinished floors.

New roof. EZ E1730 North Crescent. GONZAGA: 2 bedroom plus one in finished basement, wall-to-wall, fireplace, drapes, patio, gas, Owner HU 7-6040. OWNER, Clean. 2 bedrooms up, down, large double garage.

Assume low pct. FHA mortaage. N5921 Ash. FA 8-0588. Excellent 3-BR.

Brick Fin. rec. rm. w-extra BR, 2 folces. MANUM RLTY, FA 7-3305, RI 7-3300 3 BEDROOM home.

Needs some repair, W1034 Kiernan, $3,500 cash. FA 7-3024. ESTATE musi sell rental houses and duplexes. Greater sacrifice for cash. FA 8-5857.

TE 8-8624. LARGE 3-BR, near Rogers. Extra lot. Only $9,800. DONA STRADER, WA 4-4797.

LOVELY older 2-story home. w-W carpet, drapes. redecorated. E4043 2nd, WA 4-6154. N.E.

lots. of extras. 500, FHA terms. call FA 7. 6767.

Barrie Hunt HU 9-1100. 2-BEDROOM, living room, dinina room, kitchen, den. Partial basement, gas heat. Close-In. MA 4-1082.

NEW 3 bedroom. 2 bath, 1,440 sa. feet. Mobil home, delivered $10,500, low down. FA 6-2900.

N3528 3-bdrm. 1a lot. $12,250. FHA. HU 9-0084 Skyline Realty HU 9-1207 2 BEDROOM, fireplace, basement.

$4,250, or trade. E123 La Crosse FA 8-8268. 3 BEDROOMS. 2 baths, assume tract. Good location.

Near schools. S4121 Garfield, MA 4-1864, $20,500. N6022. MILTON. redecorated, carpet: garage.

full basement, owner, FA 7-3706. BY owner Northwest. Shadle 2-bed. room. Full basement.

FA 7-6104. ONLY $5,650. E1509 Ostrander. bdrm. Gar.

Tefft Co. Television. Miss Lloyd Steward of Fort Worth, Texas, president of the society, called on members to meet the challenge of a new era in communications. Tunnels to Be Sold TOKYO (AP) Five railroad tunnels and the strip of land that houses them are for sale by Japan National Railways for $103,000. The company has rebuilt a 60-year-old line to bypass the tunnels, which are 200 miles north of Tokyo and total about 4,900 feet.

JNR. says they'd make ideal hotels because they are cool in summer and warm OFFICIAL RECORDS BIRTHS Births recorded in Spokane hosbitals during the 24-hour period ending at 3 p.m., Monday, Aug. 25, 1969: Holy Family Flippen -To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flippen, E328 Glass.

boy (correction). Worley- -To Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Worley, N14514 Cincinnati, girl.

Shaffer -To Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Shaffer, W1414 Chelan, girl. Sacred Heart McKern- To Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald N. McKern. N5519 Cochran, girl. Fitzsimmons--To Mr.

and Mrs. A. Fitzsimmons, E1007 Thirteenth, girl. Fairchild Air Force Base Wade- -To Mr. and Mrs.

Fay L. Wade, N8409 Northview, girl. Bakken -To S.Sot. and Mrs. Ronnie Bakken, W2324 Maxwell, girl.

Hicks -To S. Sat. and Mrs. Larry Hicks, 9024 Nebraska, Fairchild, boy. Deaconess Pierce To Mr.

and Mrs. Brian Pierce, Colbert, girl. St. Luke's -To Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Sandall, W3018 Broad, girl. Dahlen- To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dahlen, S1712 Arthur, girl. Schubert -To Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Schubert, W1818 Mission, boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES MONDAY Stephen B. Llovd, Spokane. and Sally J.

Phalon, Moses Lake, Wash. Daniel White and Karen Ann Sorensen, Spokane. Richard Lee Riley and Patricia D. Krauter, Spokane. Peter William Reilly and Katherine Ann Gasdick, Medical Lake, Wash.

Lawrence M. Butler and Peaqy C. Downhour, Spokane. GUV A. Pruitt and Wendy K.

Lamon, Spokane. Eugene D. Cate and Eilene F. Urling, Spokane. Altus Bracev and Joanne M.

Cooper, Spokane. William H. Leslev 111 and Paulette L. Lowther. Spokane.

Robert David Gilmore and Chanson 1. Dee, Spokane. Rex A. Smith. Odessa, and Pamela Sue Lenhart, Spokane.

Dennis R. Chariton and Ruby Seeberger, Spokane. Robert Lawrence Savage and Madeleine Lorraine Stalev, Spokane. Terry Patrick Mullen and Sharon Anne Gibson. Spokane.

Nicholas C. Seivers, Lind. and Elizabeth J. LaViane, Spokane. Garry Mitchell Charbonneau, Sookane, and Yvonne Wheatley.

Medical Lake, Wash. Thomas J. Vincent and Lunn M. Rasmussen, Liberty Lake, Wash. John Edward Bevan.

Spokane, and Nancy Jean Flemina, Reardan. Wash. Richard Erwin, Chudanski, Rochester. N.Y., and Michele Roberta Bachman. Medical Lake.

Carl C. Smith. Spokane, and Jeanette Daphne Spiller. Penticton, B.C Lawrence Lee Rogers and Shirley Ann Wittkoof, Spokane. Ronald Robert Edwards and Irma Jean Terhaar.

Spokane. IN THE COURTS Superior Court New Suits Filed Nellie Bruce vs. Gustaf H. Strohmaier; for $3,351 ludament. Catharina Rappaport V5.

Daniel Raonaport; divorce. Helen D. Scalf vs. Kenneth C. Scalf; divorce.

Borahill Anderson vs. Ira E. Anderson; divorce. Karin M. Crowston VS.

James Crowston: divorce. Kathleen M. Wallin Vs. Jess Wallin; divorce. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Vs.

Jack W. Heuston: for $10.071 claimed due. University National Bank of Lanamie vs. Thomas F. Finch: for $5.000 claimed due.

Bovd Conlee Company vs. Art Hepton; for $2,107 claimed due. Katie Barlow Gorman vs. Thomas (Bud) Gorman; divorce. Ben C.

Harnev. executor of estate of Ann Burns, deceased. vs. Old National Bank of Washinaton: Burk- Washinaton Trust Bank; hart: for orders re treasury notes. R.

Moe VS. Herman A Mary Moe; divorce. Charles Lona vs. Huahes Construction. for $9.000 judament Marie E.

Green, widow: Thomas Green. minor. by Marie Sundeana E. Green. Plese VS.

Anton Plese and 05 Stockyard, Inn: for $110.000 damages for claimed fall iniurv to premises Thomas Green in A on U.S. DISTRICT COURT Bankruptcies Filed Charles Chester Current, E214 Dalton: Liabilities, assets. $1,700. with all claimed exempt. Wage Earner Plan Robert D.

Triplett, Clarkston, Liabilities, assets, none, with none claimed exempt. Aldon Erwin Gooch, N1430 WashIngton: Liabilities, assets. $977, with $872 claimed exempt. JUSTICE COURTS Only fines or forfeltures of $25 or more are listed unless a Tail sentence is imposed. Department (Police Court) Judge Gordon S.

Lower: Luther Bracey, N6203 Astor, negligent drivina (accident), $25 forfeited. Richard C. Udland, N5915 Sutherlin, speeding, $30 forfeited. Judy K. Deerheim.

E2727 Heroy. no operator's license, $25 forfeited. Noel R. Mann, 3515 Park Road. negligent drivina, $25 forfeited: no operator's license, $25 forfieted.

Dorothy M. Jeffry, 52206 University, improper turn (accident). $25 forfeited. Jack K. Mortensen, E13514 Twentyninth, failure, to yield right of way (accident), $25 forfeited.

June E. Finney, W2404 Holyoke, failure to vield right of way (accident), $25 forfeited. Clifford G. Yake, Vernon. B.C., improper turn (accident), $25 forfeited.

Helen U. Acheson, Craigmont, Idaho. improper, change of lanes (accident), forfeited. Makky Julina. Alberta.

Canada. failure to right wav (accident). $25 forfeited. Della Dewitt, Anchorage, ka, fallure 10 vield right of wav (accident), $25 forfeited. David C.

Lawrenz. E3324 Seventeenth, drivina under influence of liauor (accident). 30 davs. $200 fine Use the WANT ADS Often MA 4-3321 OFFICIAL RECORDS Continued Daniel J. Miller, Fairchild Air Force Base, violated stop sign (accident), $25 forfeited.

Rex L. Hughes, E1028 Thirty-eighth speeding. $26 forfeited. Steve R. Katon, N5007 Walnut, neqligent driving (accident), $25 forfeited.

Albert J. Hodneland. N5918 Addison, negligent (accident), $25 forfeited. Jerry Rowley, Boise, Idaho. drivina while under influence of liquor.

$100 fine. Notices 1-49 Bid Openina: September 12, 1969, 9:00 a.m., P.D.T.. JOHN A. BIGGS, 1-LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of Director of Game 600 North Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. Sealed bids for the following proiect will be received until 9:00 a.m., P.D.T..

September 12. 1969, at the of State of Washington Department Game Office, North 8702 Division Street, Spokane, Washington, and then and there be publicly opened and read. Each Bid Proposal must be submitted on the Department furnished "Bid Proposal Form' and accompenied by a certified or cashier's check or Bid Bond pavable to the Treasurer of the State of Washington in an amount of equal to five per cent of the amount bid. They must be enclosed in the Department furnished "Bid Proposal En: in the Spokane Office prior to bid velope." Bids must be received openina time. Department of Game reserves the right reiect any or all bids and to waiver informalities.

examined at the Olympic Plans and specifications may be Service, A.G.C., Spokane; Spokane Construction Council, Spokane; Columbia Basin Construction Council. Ephrata; and Tri-City Specistruction Council, Kennewick. fications may be obtained from the Spokane Office, telephone: 483-8579. Attention is called to the Prequalification Questionnaire and Financial Statement Form, which is enclosed with each set of Specifications. Bidders must be registered by the State Department of Licenses.

PROJECT WM: Furnish all material, equipment. labor, permits, for the construction of one concrete block restroom building at West Medical Lake Access Area near Spokane, WashInaton. Director of Game. In Bankruptcy No. B-69N-268 BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE'S SALE In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Washington, Northern Division.

In the Matter of PHILIP H. BRAZEAU, whose wife is Juanita T. Brazeau, Bankrupts. The undersigned, as Trustee In Bankruptcy of the estate of Philip H. Brazeau, whose wife is Juanita T.

Brazeau, has been authorized to sell the interest of the Bankrupts certain real property located in Kootenal County, Idaho, in private sale by sealed bids to the highest and best bidder for cash. All bids for said property must be in writing and addressed to the undersigned Attorney on or before the 9th dav of September, 1969. This property a lake cabin located at Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. specifically: Lot Fifteen (15) of Cedar Grove Tracts in Kootenai County, Idaho, accordina to plat recorded in Book of Plats at Page 237. Further information concerning the location and sale of this property may be obtained by contacting Albert J.

Golden, Attorney for Trustee, 407 Drumheller Building, Walla Walla, Washinaton. JA 5-4540. HOWARD MARTIN. Trustee. Albert J.

Golden. Attorney for Trustee, 407 Drumheller Building, Walla Walla, Washinaton 99362. Phone JAckson 5-4540. 10-FLORISTS SCOTT'S FERTILIZER SPECIALSI COLDWELL'S-FA 7-5511 KRAUSE'S KE 5 2088 ANGELO'S KE 5-2431 12-DEATHS ANDERSON, Nora F. -Passed away Aug.

24 in Spokane. A resident of E942 Thirty-third Ave. Survived bv daughter. Winifred Winters, Spokane Her last services will be under the direction of the SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 RIVERSIDE AVE COMBS, Ishmael Entered into rest August 23 in Spokane.

His home. W2425 Sinto Ave. Survived by his wife, Cleta D. Combs, at the home; 1 daughter, Teresa Combs, at the home; 4 sons, Spencer Dale Combs, Navy: Marvin Kevin Carl Combs, U.S. Army: Gary and Combs, both at the home; his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Spencer Combs, Dwarf, Kentucky; 1 sister, Mrs. lee Presslev in Kentucky: 1 brother. Raddie Combs. in Ohio.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME. N4305 DIVISION ST. CRONRATH, Brigette--Passed away Aug. 24 in the Spokane Valley. Her home, E10024 Empire Way.

Mother John Degen, August Degen, both of Millwood, 15 arandchildren: 29 great-grandchildren; stepmother of Mrs. Ervin Lohman and Leo Lohman, both of Kendrick, Idaho: Irvin Conrath, Spokane Vallev; Arthur Conrath, Kelso. sister of Mrs. Christiane Rieber and Johann Jappsen, both in Germany; Hans Jappsen, Spokane, numerous nieces and nephews in Germany The HAZEN JAEGER SPOKANE VALLEY FUNERAL HOME is announcina funeral arrangements. DIONNE, Clement Passed away Aug.

24 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. A former resident of Spokane, Survived by nephew, Homer K. Harrison, Idaho. His last services will be under the direction of the SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 RIVERSIDE AVE.

FOLTZ, Charlie Glen -Entered into rest Ava. 25 in a local hospital. His home E4820 3rd Mrs. Spokane. Survived by 3 sisters, Marv M.

Dodson. Spokane. Mrs. Pearl C. Cole; Mrs.

Lorene B. Freece, both of Yakima, Funeral several nieces and nephews. tion of arrangements the RIPLINGER under FUNERAL HOME N4306 DIVISION ST GOW, Velma -Passed away Au24 in Deer Park at a local hospital. Her home. Chattaroy.

survived by 3 daughters. Mrs. Helen Brumley. Priest River, Idaho: Mrs. Wilma Fish.

Spokane: Mrs. Ann Malone, Coulee City: brother. Edward A. Defter, Oiai, grandchildren; greatgrandchild. "Resident of' this community 25 years.

Funeral arrange ments to be announced by the LAUER FUNERAL HOME, DEER PARK, WASHINGTON. NELSON, Carolyn L. -Entered into rest Aug. 24 in a local hospital. Her home, E2822 Wellesley.

Survived by her husband, Clifton J. Nelson: daughter. Caron Nelson: 1 son. Cary Nelson, all at the home; his parents. Mr and Mrs.

A. C. Hann: 2 sisters, Mrs. Alice Bund, Mrs. Addaline Sevmour, all of Sookane, 4.

brothers, Elmer Hann, Wenatchee, Archie. Harold and Durant Hann, all of Spokane: several nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the RIP. LINGER FUNERAL HOME. N4305 DIVISION ST.

PETERS, Louise L. -Passed away August 24 at a local hospital. Her home E6907 2nd Spokane, Wash. A member of the LPN Nurse's Association Survived by daughters, Mrs. James.

(Anita) Spence, Spokane, Mrs. John (Louise) Chestnut Toronto, Canada: Darlene E. Owens. Spokane. sons Albert Abramson.

in Mexico; James W. Abramson. Auburn. A. Lee Abramson.

I Ellsworth. Maine: James R. Smith. Spokane Valley, a sister, Mrs. Paul (Ruth) Creamer Yakima, A half-brother.

Jack Phillips, Yakima, 27 grandchildren: 2 -grandchildren. The THORNHILL FUNERAL HOME, E10300 SPRAGUE in charge. 12-DEATHS. Continued TOLLEY, Laddie awav August 24 at a local hospital. home.

E18501 Indiana. Greenacres. Wash. Survived by his wife, Helen Tolley at the home; son, Wayne Tolley, Spokane Valley; daughter, Mrs. Clyde (Shirlev), Williams, Spokane Valley; brothers, Theodore Hamilton, Caton.

Ohio, Joseph Tolley, Ohio; 4 sisters, Mrs. Robert. (Sally) Snodarass, Hamilton. Ohio; Mrs. Carl Pottenger, Hamilton, Ohio; Mrs.

George (Nell) Munday. Ohio; Mrs. Allen (Eva) Davis in Ohio; 2 grandchildren: numerous nieces and nephews. The THORNHILL VALLEY FUNERAL HOME, E10300 SPRAGUE AVE in charge. 13-FUNERALS AMY, Emma 0.

Hupe- Her home. S710 Sheridan St. Sister of Mrs. Olga Shaw. Spokane; Mrs.

Anita all of Spokane, and Henry Juds and Mrs. Eleanor Tacoma, Wash. Numerous nieces and newphews. Member of Emmanvel Lutheran Church. A member of Sisters of Herman.

Arion singing society. A lifetime, resident of Spokane. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Aug. 27, 11 a.m. from the Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Fourth at Spruce streets.

Obert Landsverk officiating. Burial will be at Riverside Memorial Park. The HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE in charge. family suggests that friends may send memorial gifts to the Memorial Fund or the Student Fund of the Emmanuel Luthern Church, 4th and Spruce Spokane. ANDERSON, F.

A resident of 1 daughter, Winifred L. Winters, E942 Thirtv-third Ave. Survived by Spokane. Funeral services Tuesdav. August 26, at the SMITH FUNERAL HOME, W1124 Rev.

Eugene Ross officiating. Burial Riverside Memorial Park. CAMP, Mrs. Ira M. (Alta Claire) Resident, Wash.

of Rockwood Survived by Manor, Spo- son, Walter Camp Lacrosse, Wash 2 daughters, Miss. Elizabeth Camp, Berkeley, Miss Krueger, Colfax. 2 brothers, Flovd Croup. Livermore. Allen Croup, Santa Rosa, 3 areat-arandchildren.

A member of the Methodist Church of Lacrosse, Wash. A past matron and past grand officer of Emerald Chapter No, 180 OES. Lacrosse, Hayden Lake Country Club. Funeral services Wednesdav. Aug.

27, at 2 p.m. from the Methodist Church, Lacrosse, Wash. Rev. John Branden and Rev J. Dean Stout officiatina.

Interemnt Lacrosse, Cemetery. The family sungests that memorial aifts may be given to the Lacrosse Cemetery. Fund. L. L.

BRUNNING FUNERAL HOME. COLFAX in charge. CARMACK, Reno V. (69) A life. time resident of Rockford, Wash.

Survived by his wife. Mrs. Clarice Carmack, at the home; son. Bruce Carmack, Rockford. daughter.

Mrs. Marilean Alice Baldina. Las Cruces, New Mexico; brother, Verba W. Carmack. 3 grandchildren.

A member of the Eagles Lodae No. 2. of Spokane, Wash. Funeral services Tuesdav. Aug.

26. at 2 p.m. from the Rockford Methodist Church. Rockford Wash. Rev.

Thomas Carlson and Rev. Glen Rudolph officiating Interment Fairview Cemetery. Rockford. FUNERAL HOME, FAIRFIELD. in charge.

Memorials may be made to the Rockford Methodist Church. or to the Rockford Cemeterv Fund Rockford, Wash. CRONRATH, Brigette Her home. E10024 Empire Wav. Mother of John Degen.

Auaust Degen. both of Millwood, Wash. 15 arandchildren, 29 great-arandchildren. Stepmother of Mrs. Ervin Lohman and Mrs.

Len Lohman, both of Kendrick Idaho: Irvin Conrath, Spokane Valley; Arthur. Conrath. Kelso, Wash; sister of Mrs. Christiane Rieber; a brother of Johann Jappsen. both in German.

Hans Jansen. Sonkane Numerous nieces and nephews in German. Funeral services Fridav, August 29 at 2 p.m. in the COLONIAL CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER SPOKANE VALLEY FU. NFRAL HOME.

N1306 PINES PO. Interment. The Pines Cemetery, Op. nortunity DIONNE, Clement F. A former resident of Spokane.

Survived bv nephew. Homer K. Bouffioux. Harrison, Idaho. Funeral services Wednesdav.

August 27, at p.m. at the SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 RIVERSIDE AVE. Rev. Starr officiatino.

Interment Riverside Memorial Park. HOESLY, Wendell M. resident of E714 A lifetime resident of Spokane. He was contract manager of Spokane Drv Goods Co. Member of Manito Lodge No.

246. Scottish Rite Bodles. El Katif Shrine, First Presbyterian Church. Kiwanis Club. BPOE 228.

University Club, Spokane Club. board member of Inland EmCamp Fire Girls. Graduate of North Central School and University of Washinaton. Member of Alpha Tau Omega. Survived by his wife, Mary A.

Hoesly at the home; one daughter, Mrs. J. R. (Barbara) Walton, Seattle. one son.

Richard A. Hoesly, Eugene. his mother. Mrs. Frances M.

Hoeslv. Spokane: two brothers. Robert Hoesly, Spokane. and H. Bruce Hoeslv.

Kansas Citv. Kan. Memorial services Tuesday. Aug. 26.

at 4:30 p.m.. at the First Presbvterian Church, S318 Cedar Dr. William Lindsav officiatina. under the direction of the SMITH FUNERAL HOME, W1124 RIVERSIDE AVE Cremation to follow at the Smith memorials mav be aiven to the Sno. Crematorium.

The familv suggests kane County Cancer Societv N830 Summit Spokane, Wash GOW. Velma W. Her home. Chattaroy, Wash. Survived by 3 daughters, Mrs.

Helen Brumlev. Priest River. Idaho; Mrs. Wilma Fish, Spokane; Mrs. Ann Malone.

Coulee City: Oiai, one brother Edward E. Detter, 7 arandchildren; areatgrandchild. Resident of this community 25 vears. Funeral services Wednesday, August 27 at the Chattarov Community Church. Rev.

Arvin Johnson officiating. Burial services Woodland Cemetery at Deer Park. LAUER FUNERAL HOME, PARK. in charge. HENRY, Pearl Mae Pratt Sur.

vived by daughter. Mrs. Jane Killin, Salt Lake Citv. Utah: son. William N.

Pratt. Portland Oregon: sister, Mrs. Ruth. Brophy, Spokane, 3 brothers, Paul McBride, Long Beach, Calif. Charles M.

McBride, Eureka, R. J. McBride, California: 3 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Graveside services Tuesdav. August Memorial 26, at Terrace.

3 p.m, The at RIPLINGER Greenwood FUNERAL HOME. N4305 DIVISION ST in charge. JONES, Casey Wash. home. Father N6110 Elain Spokane.

of Mrs. Janet Bench, Portland. Allen Jones. U.S. Navy.

den Grove. Stephen Rav Jones, at the home; Michael A. Jones. at the home; son of George L. Jones.

Route 5, Spokane; brother of Mrs. Irel J. Purdv. Moscow. Idaho: Mrs.

James Fretwell. Spokane. John W. Jones. Route 5.

Sook ane: grandchildren. Funeral services Thursday, August 11 a.m. the ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN A JAFGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 MONDO ST Burial services Riverside Memorial Pork JONES, David Leroy His home. N6110 Elgin Spokane.

Brother of Mrs. Janet Bench. Portland. Allen Jay. Jones, U.S.

Navy. Garden Grove. Stephen Rav Jones and Michael A. Jones, at the home: grandson of George Mrs. L.

Jones Anita Route 5, Spokane, and Woodcock, Spokane: Joseph E. Kroetch, d'Alene, Idaho; nu: merous and uncles Funeral services Thursday. August 28, at 11 a.m. the ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 MONROE ST.

Burial services Riverside Memorial Park JONES. Gretta Claire Her home, N6110 Elgin St. Mother of Mrs. Janet Bench Portland, Allen Jay U.S. Navy.

Garden Grove, Stephen Ray Jone: and Jones, at the home: 3 grandchildren: daughter of Mrs Anita Joseph E. Kroetch Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; sister of Mrs. Mildred Bierw Eugene, Ore, Keith and Frederick J. Kroetch, both of Coeur d'Alene. Idaho.

FUneral services Thursday, August 28; at 11 a.m. In the JAEGER ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN AL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST. Burial services Riverside Memorial Park. 13-FUNERALS Continued KNAACK, Frances R. Her home, Stevens.

Wife of Rudolph H. Knaack, at the home; mother of Mrs. Mary E. Hill. New York Citv: three sons, R.

H. Knaack A. D. Knaack, and W. Knaack, all of Seattle.

Member of First PresbyChurch, Spokane; Sorosis Club; member of the Retired Teachers Association, Lora Club; President's Council. "Cremation services were held at the HAZEN JAEGER CREMATORIUM, N1306 MONROE ST. Family suggests that memorial gifts may be given to the American Cancer Society, Spokane Countv Wash. Unit. S160 Stevens Spokane, 99204.

LE PAGE, Mrs. Thomas (Mabel) Her home, W2304 Buckeve Ave. Aunt of Mrs. Robert Blomquist, St. Paul, Mrs.

William J. Quinn, Chicago, Mrs. William D. Roberts, Spokane; Mrs. Albert H.

Beebe, Tacoma, John McCarthy, Spokane. Dr. Joseph L. McCarthy, Earl T. McCarthy, both of Seattle, Leonard Heinen, Iowa, Simpson, aunt of Mrs.

Jerry D. Spokane, cousin of Mrs. Charles (Narie) Burger, Spokane. A resident of Spokane 59 years. Funeral services Thursday, Aug.

28, 10 a.m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST. Rev. Kenneth E. Brabeau officiatina.

Burial services, Riverside Memorial Park. LYON, Neva home, E1415 Thirty ninth Ave. Wife of Mathew Adrian Lyon, at the home; mother of Leota DeBus, Spokane; Warren M. Lyon, Missoula, grandmother of Judy Arleen Fry, Spokane; Mathew A. and Warren Lyon, both of Missoula, sister of Vie Dennison, Spokane.

Affiliated Church. with Funeral Spokane Community services Wednesday, Ava. 27, 2 p.m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONST. Dr.

Eugene W. Dowdle and. Rev. C. G.

Le La Cheur officiating. Burial services, Fairmount Memorial Park. McNEW, W. Laurence His home, Wilbur. Washington.

Survived by one brother, Leonard McNew. Wilbur nieces and nephews. Funeral August services will be held Wednesdav. 27, 2 p.m. in Wilbur Lutheran Church.

Pastor C. E. Dvrud officiatina. Interment Wilbur. cemetery.

ROBERTSON FUNERAL HOME. WASHINGTON in charge. MORAN, Gerry A. His home. Route 1, Chattarov.

Wash. HUsband of Mrs. Ruth Moran. at the home; father of Larry Moran. Chattarov.

two arandchildren. member of the Lynnewood Seventhday Adventist Church. An area resident 18 years. Funeral services Fridav. Ava.

29, at 11 a.m., in the ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 MONROE Elder Don Wilson officiating. Burial services Fairmount Memorial Park. MOSS, Harvey Hugh- His home. E1718 Pacific.

Survived by his wife, Jane Moss. at the home: a son, Lester Moss, Spokane, a Wash; sister, Mrs. Rattrav, Spokane. 3 Nellie 3 brothers, Charlie Moss, Frank Merriman Moss. both of Spokane: Moss of Cheney, several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services August 27, at p.m. in the CHAPEL of FLOWERS the RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME. N4305 DIVISION ST. the Rev. Laurel V.

Lindberg officiating. Interment Fairmount Memorial Park. Davenport paper please copy. NEWCOMB, Corrine Her home, Richland, Wash. Formerly of E1504 Seattle.

Mother of Kenneth Newcomb. Mrs. Ruby Newcomb Woodhead. Richland, and Raymond L. Newcomb, Spokane; 5 arandchildren: 8 great-grandchildren; sister of Mrs.

Netti Callison, Great Falls. numerous nieces and nephews. Attended Liberty Park Methodist Church. Private funeral services Tuesday, August 26, at 8:30 p.m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 MONROE Rev. Van Backern officiatina. Cremation to follow. REID, 25th. William King His home, Reid.

E2903 the Ave. home; Husband of Gladys at father Mrs. Charles A. (Patricia) Endahl. Spokane; 4 A member of the Cathedral of St.

John the Evangelist. Member and past ter Oriental Lodge No. 74 Member of Scottish Rite of Free Katif Shrine; Athletic Round Table; Masonry, Valley of Spokane; EI Manito Golf and Country Club. also Rotary Club of Spokane. Lifetime resident of Spokane.

Veteran of WW Funeral services Tuesday, Aug. 26, p.m. ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST. Rev John Hay officiatina. Entombment with services Greenwood Garden Crypts, Oriental Lodge No.

47 participating. SIMONSON, Madeline B. Her N4514 Stevens. Wife of Lovd Simonson, at the home; mother of William. Waddell.

Seattle, Mrs. Harold (Betty) Vaughn, both Mrs. William J. (Margie) Perrv. of Spokane; 1 grandson.

A resident of Spokane 60 vears. Funeral services Wednesday. Aug. 27, at 10 a.m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 MONROE Rev. Laurel V. Lindberg officiating. Burial services Greenwood Memorial Terrace. SMITH, Aaron James.

Resident of Ewan, Wash. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Cleora Smith, at the home; son, Flovd Smith. Amber, 2 daughters, Mrs. Ruth Mortimer, Thornton.

and Mrs. Athol Cadenhead. Los Angeles; 2 sisters, Mrs. Nellie Sims. Spokane, and Mrs.

Fave Patterson, Ewan: 6 grandchildren. Funeral service, Thursday, Aua. 28, 2 p.m., from the Methodist Church in St. John. Rev Ellis Kaster officiating.

Interment at the St. John Cemetery. The family suggests memorials may be given to either the Heart Fund or the Ewan Nazarene Church. The BRUNING FUNERAL HOME of COLFAX, in charge. WOLF.

Harry His home, Medical Lake, Wash. Husband of Katharine Wolf, at the home. Brother of Mrs. Clarence Hazen, Nashville, Michigan; 1 niece, 1 nephew. A member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.

A veteran of WWI and WWII. Funeral services Tuesday. August 26, at 2 p.m. in the GOTHIC of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE Rev. Clarence C.

Eifert officiatina. Burial services Greenwood Memorial Terrace, 16-CARDS OF THANKS WE wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who were 50 kind 10 US during our recent bereavement, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Lillie Malby Family, 19-CEMETERIES, Services 3 CHOICE lots at Fairmont. Reduced from 'Cemeterv prices'.

WA 4-0710 evenings and all day Saturday and Sunday. 2 SEPARATE lots, Jupiter Gardens. Riverside Cemetery Sacrifice FA 8-3634 20-LOST ALL WHITE male doa, 5-month. Vi cinity of Hartson and Perry Shop ping district. KE 4-0883.

BLACK Labrador -retriever pup. vicinity Five-Mile Rd Reward HU 3-4570. LOST: Charcoal gray toy Poodle. Northtow, eastside. Black neck collar.

Reward. HU 7-6119. BOY'S black rimmed glasses, case, vicinity 10th and Clinton. WA 6- 0200. WHITE male Poodle, corner Mansfield and Adams, Saturday evening.

Reward. FA 7-2348. COMSTOCK Park: Double chain gold link bracelet with pearls. MA 4-2309, FA 5-5646. RING wedding band, small chip diamonds.

vicinity 8th Cedar MA 4-9308. FEMALE black and white short. hair Collie. 6 months old Mear area, HU 3-4461. SMALL black poodle, worn red collar, vicinity lower Coeur d' Alene beach.

Call collect, FA 8-6128 LOST: Pointer, black with white tick ing, vicinity Holy Family, HU 9-5875 SMALL male sable Shetland sheepdog, limps. Mead area, HU 3-2840. INJURED female basset hound Vicinity East Wabash. HU 7-7739. swers LARGE male King Labrador, Reward.

black. FA 8-8920. An I to 100-HOMES FOR SALE Continued Better Browne's Addn. Architect designed 5. baths, in 26x14 liv.

din. halls bdrm. Near Park shops. $16,500 FHA-VA terms. Call Walt Hines, MA 4-2302.

Eves, 0014. Cannon Hill $14,800 Attractive 3 2 baths, Ira. liv. sep, din. den, oil H-W heat, full bsmt.

Close to bus, schools, FHA terms. Call Bob McDuffie, MA 4-2302. MA 4-6470. Choice Shadle $10,000 Newer 2 liv. rm.

Oversized master nice kitchen w-dinette, full garage, paved alley, fenced back yard. Close to shops. $300 dn. FHA. Call Walt Hines, MA 4-2302.

KE 4-0014. Close in N.W. $7,450 Verv clean, 3 2 bath, good size liv. din. gas furnace, dbl.

close to school bus, trade for mobile home. terms. Call Bob McDuffie, MA 4-2302. MA 4-6470. HEGE Realtors MA 4-2302 S102 Howard DOWNRIVER AUDUBON SPECIAL SEE THIS CUTE 3-BEDROOM CALIFORNIA HOME.

DISHWASHER MAINFLOOR UTILITIES. EASY TO KEEP, LANDSCAPED FENCED REAR YARD. JUST 2 BLOCKS FROM GOLF COURSE. CALL WALT MARTIN, FA 7-4458. ALL DONE OVER This lovely older home has new aluminum siding, close to all conveniences, good family home, 3 birch honey maple kitchen with formica countertops, range refrig.

stay. Located in the L.C. School area. Only $8,950, $77 mo. includes taxes insurance.

Call ROD HOOD, WA 4-6922 or FA 5- 4917 eves. CARTER-LEWIS REALTORS E10801 SPRAGUE "North West" 2. plus bdrm. home freshly painted inside and out. Sets on a lot dble.

fenced yard, frolc. A steal at $14,500. Must see. won't last! FHA, VA. CTM.

Will allow for W-W carpet in Iv. rm. 100 pct. bsmt. Hurry now! Call Rav Chapman.

FA 6-1360 or TE 8- 4131. Anchor Sec. Co. TE 8-4131 MANITO PARK JUST LISTED. Lge 2 bdrm.

in this desirable area. Fireplace, hwd. floors, oil furnace. Full bsmt. Fenced just 2 biks.

to Manito 6 to Comstock. $12,500 FHA or VA terms. Call Bob, FA 7-1571. R. C.


HU 9- 1087, Nancy HU 3-4474. S. Side, call Alice, MA 4-4754 or GENE, MA 4-3409. 9-0480 NANCY KORON. Wellesley.

REALTORS 9- HU E210 0480. PACIFIC PROPERTY MGMT W1301 1st RI 7-8089 CASH for your equity or home. Mark Kraft N3400 Monroe, FA 7-3386. LISTEN TO KTWD 105.7 FM BOTTS REALTY EA 7-7744 115-VALLEY PROPERTY LARGE FAMILY? A bedroom. Carpetina.

fenced back vard, new roof permanent sid. Ina. $16.950 FHA. VA or trade or assume low pet. loan.

Call Fritz NOW! WA 4-7622 C. Fritz Nelsen In the Land of Opportunity S123 Pines Realtor WA 4-7622 Choice Homesites LEMLEY REALTY TIMBERLANE Vera Water Power Sewer Svstem, all underground Utilities. We custom build. Plan your home to match your personality. For more details, call GARY ABBOTT.

WA 6-1561 or WA 6-7743. SIDNEY SMITH CO. E12815 Spraque Realtors WA 6-1561 HERE'S ONE 1,340 feet of complete comfort. Ranch style with full bsmt. for only $21,700, has large front dinwith w-W carpet.

Very attractive. Kitchen with sliding door onto patio. Has an $18,350 mta. with pct. interest.

CALL VANCE HURT, WA 4-3900, EVES: WA 4-4148. Sherwood-Roberts Roberts E12929 Spraque Realtors WA 4-3900 HAVE HORSES? Need a large family home? This is for vou! Welllocated, beautiful 5 bedroom home on an acreage. Everything is here. OR, your could choice. be $28.950.

subdivided. Call Harriet, WA 4-2800 or WA 4-2144. E10706 Spraque at University Call Wade, WA 6-6277 or WA 6-4370. TEETER REALTY, INC. MILLWOOD shop.

Close to shopping. $13,500. Large 2 Bdrm. with Bse. work E7202 Sprague WA 6-6227 MILLWOOD.

qualified buver can save $'s on this 2-bedroom home. Has large living room, 2 fireplaces, full divided basement with rec. room. Close to river, large shady yard needs some repair, $13,500, FHA. TERMS.

Tom Ventris. WA 6-3957. WA 6-5496. STRICKER REALTY REDUCED from $23,900 to $22,500. Owner must sell.

3-bedroom plus finished rec. room and basement bedroom, 2 fireplaces, baths, birch kitchen, stove, oven, dishwasher, double garage, covered patio, children's playhouse. Vacant. See today. West Valley district, excellent neighborhood.

AL 5-6131. TWO houses Desirable location. Family home-2-bedroom and one in basement wall-to-wall carpet, fireplace, covered patio. And smaller one-bedroom home. perfect for mother or rental.

Two garages, fenced vard, $19,900. WA 6-6460. N202 Bolivar Road. ORCHARD AVENUE Neat clean 2-bdrm home compietely repainted in out, gas forced air heat, garage, close to school, store bus. $9,250, $200 down, FHA terms Call Vern Villa, WA 4-8700.

Eves, WA 6-1836. LANCO AGENCIES, INC. OUT AWAY 1 ACRE 3 Bedroom home in West Valley baths, carpeting, double garage $23,600. Phone WA 4-0840. THOMAS P.

ROSE CO. E9611 Spraque Eves WA 6-6702 MUST sell this week: 3-bdrm. bath, 2 fireplaces, full finished basement, 1,140 sq. attractive vard. $21,000 or assume 6 pct.

loan. 0321. ORCHARD 1-bedroom, AVENUE. furnished. Clean pact garage, beautiful shaded yard, $6,450, small down.

Tom Ventris. WA 6-3957. WA 6-5496. STRICKER REALTY NEWER three-bearoom, large living room, carpeted, birch kitchen, built. in appliances, double garage, fenced corner lot.

WA 6-0873. SPACIOUS 3-bedroom, fireplace double. garage covered patio fenced backyard, radiant, heat. N3513 Sargent, Millwood, WA 6-0965. $1,950 DN $170 MO.

New 3 bedrms. den, baths. fireplaces, main floor utilities. carpeted, trades N4607 Isenhart. WA 4-9634.

barn, garage, chicken house, corral, 3-bedroom home, to-wall carpet. Will accept 3-bedroom trailer as trade. HU 9-5500 3-BEDROOM home, full basement, close schools, large lot $15,000. WA 6-9940, KE 4-7236. BY OWNER Excellent Valley location, 7 yrs.

old. WA 6-0280. DISHMAN REALTY E8814 Spraque WA 6-9541 Northwest Farm Realty N1004 Pines Rd. WA 115-VALLEY PROPERTY Continued FURNISHED OPEN MODEL HOME E44911 15th Weekdays 4-9 p.m. Weekends 2-8 p.m.

Many new models to view, we will take your present home In trade. "SHARP VERA DISTRICT" Gracious 3 bdrm. family home. close to schools, churches shopping, kitchen eating, also din. area.

2 full baths, 2 full bsmt. w-finished rec. rm. nice workshop. Lots of storage, dbl.

att, garage, with breezewav, w-W carpet in Ige, liv. rm. hall. Large lot with fenced $20,500. vd.

Call FHA priced at Bob Dunning, WA 6- 9521. Eves, WA 4-2654. Call "HARD TO FIND $18.500" quick on this lovely 10 years old Vera rancher, it features. 3 full 2 frolcs finished family for more infor. or showing call George Maness, WA 6-9521.


FHA OR VA WEEKDAYS 7-10 P.M. WEEKENDS 1-DARK E13509 4TH CARTER-LEWIS REALTORS E10801 SPRAGUE WA 4-6922 OWNER TRANSFERRING eled Lg. Valley home. Newly decorated. 1,422 sq.

ft. main floor, 4 2 baths. Outstanding in appli. din. air oil furn.

La. yard 150 x125 W- w-open beams. Full forced gar. schools. dble carport.

Tree house, $20,000. N3421 Girard Rd. Call for appt. WA 6-8040. A 95-Here's a home that ranks high on anyone's report card.

Check these scores. 1149 sq. bdrms. -2 baths, -w-W carpet, -tri level kitchen plan-sliding glass doors- beautiful with bit-ins, -located in Skyview Acres, $22,950 FHA. DIAL FAST 288-Or you will miss this one.

An outstanding home with excellent landscaping, low cost Vera area, frolc, birch paneling, drapes, rugs, frolc screen, 3 barms, birch kitchen, $17,950. Call me ROD HOOD WA 4- 6922 or FA 5-4917 eves. CARTER-LEWIS REALTORS E10801 SPRAGUE NO STAIRS TO CARPET E12722 Spraque WA 4-5080 OPEN DAILY E14607 BELLE TERRE 3-bedroom, 2 baths, rustic rancher S4106 ADAMS Here's a spotless 2-bath house that has new w-w cpt thru-out. It has 1800 sq. ft.

ALL ON ONE IATE FLOOR is POSSESSION, available for IMMEDVA to the rite FHA, or cash to the mortg. buyer. The FHA asking price is remember. "we take trades" $22,900 For further BUSH, information, call SPENCER WA 4-5080, eves. WA 6-3926.

JAMES S. BLACK CO. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, split entry. These quality homes are nearina completion in beautiful Belle Terre area. Colored choices yoU act are vours quickly.

Drive South on SulAdams. to Belle Builders Terre then west Jivan BA 6-3714, AL to 6315. Outstanding Buy 6315. Outstanding cathedral Dav-lite bsmt. split level, beamed ft.

ceiling, approx. 2200 sq bdrm main plus flor, 1, 3 1500 sa. ft basmt. in kit, din, bamt. Home is frpic's, slate floor barn with extras and 6 acres of land, loaded in the trees.

Only $42,500 FHAVA. Call Jim Littleton. WA 4-6501 or WA 4-5100. ANCHOR SEC. Valley Agency, WA 4-5100.

ing UNBELIEVABLE VALUE- OutstandOpprotunity 3-bdrm 2 bath rancher. Lrge. rms. thruout, formal dinina, 2 extra bdrms. and beautiful rec.

rm. in bsmt. Dble terms beautiful to suit, fenced call yard, only $23,500, Jim WA 4-8600 or eves. WA 4-2936. HIGLEY'S REALTY E9319 SPRAGUE OFFICE WA 4-8600 Executive's Dream Home luxe Among 3 the pines in Kokomo! Debdrm.

baths, main floor ered family room. 3 fireplaces, lovely covpatio. Sprinkler system. A home early to eniov. transferred.

all possession. Walkina distance to schools, $37,900. To see, call HELEN LAUGHARY LANDERHOLM. FA 5-1419. JOHNSON FA 6-1311 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY home, w-fireplace, key Valley loca30' 40' TRADES Shop Bldg, CONSIDERED nice BA bdrm tion, $14,500.

Ernie, WA 4-3497, Eves WA 4-4084. SONNICHSEN Agency, Inc. E17929 Appleway WA 4-3497 "Otis Orchard" $19,250. Must see this 3 ranch style sets on an acre bdrm of land. dbl W-W carpet.

Must see to appreciate. won't last. All in terms. vallev. trade for property FHA, VA, CTM.

Ray Chapman, FA 6-1360. Anchor Sec. Co. TE 8-4131 OPEN 8-8 INLAND EMPIRE REALTY N310 IMMEDIATE PINES RD OFFICE WA 4-2950 POSSESSION, asbath, sume this almost new 4 2- total electric home with nice view. terms.

Total price $19,900 with good Bob or Gordon, WA 4-2950. OPPORTUNITY 3-bedroom rancher Spacious living room. large kitchen area, inexpensive, modern electric district, possession. fenced vard. Immediate mort.

Assume present FHA gage at low per cent interest or terms, $15,500. Tom Ventris WA 6-3957, WA 6-5496. STRICKER REALTY. VALLEY AGENCY $6,500. Handyman Fix-Up Special.

lot. home on a shady corner 2-bedroom House is rented now but will be vacant September 1st. Owner will carry contract. Call Hugh Neill. WA 4-1213 or evenings.

WA 4-3131. Valley Agency 8104 Sprague. BY OWNER, 2-bedroom, plus 2 in finished basement, large carportgarage, carpeting. $15,500. WA 4- 2620.

MILLWOOD rancher, immaculate 3- bedroom. 2 baths, sprinkling SV5tem. WA 6-2005. 120-Valley Prop. HAVE buyers.

for acre tracts. Greenacres or Otis Orchards. Call Realty WA 4-1611- 125-LOTS TOP LOCATION ZONED DUPLEX OR RESIDENTIAL. 2 lots. 95'x141' each.

Approximately N814-816 Wilbur. Call GOR. DON BANTING at WA 4-6922 or WA 4-0340 eves. CARTER LEWIS. TORS.

BUY your mobile home lot at Apple Valley Mobile Estates. Exclusive area. Nothing down. E17416 Spraque. WA 4-7171.

Eves, WA 6-4607. E2400 39th Water. sewer, paving, 116' 142', $5,500. KE 4-4905. CHOICE lot.

dead end court, 142' -sewer $5,500, KE 4-4905. LOTS, 80x130, $950 ea. $25 $25 mo. 24th Havana. WA 4-3327.

POST Falls: 2 acres level. $2,000. terms. Also others. FA 6-3722.

TRAILER Home Plots, facilities. Terms. 773-4409. Post Falls. 160'x180' LOT, with water.

Havden Lewiston, Idaho..

The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.